here today!
love, lindsay
well hello there, charlie grey – month four
first rock ‘n roll show: josh ritter.
in portland. no camera.
every detail tucked safely away under ‘happy’ in my brain-bins.
ace hotel RM 220: magic.
canvas, metal, wood, wax, poetry, music, feathers, the key, the snow!
will never forget:
during that song
his dance was rocking you – to sleep.
all lights out. just an unplugged guitar.
you in that hat and those stripey pants
being held by my ‘good man’
after a trying day of chasing boys through chapels with my sweet husband yesterday, i finally curled up for the night in my comfy bed to flip through my phone. i spotted this on twitter:
dandeedesigns: feeling edified this sunny sabbath day.
and it’s exactly how i was feeling. that even though i had spent most of the afternoon in the mother’s lounge and the church foyer, the spirit had found me and fed my soul. the day had not been without it’s own tender quiet moments. the messages that needed to reach us had been heard. my heart was full.
while in utah this last time marilyn had arranged for us to see a show. (of course she did, right?!)among the artists we heard that night were scott wiley, paul jacobsen and pat campbell. all members of ‘the lower lights.’ and in a teeny tiny auditorium that evening, we were moved by their music. that familiar feeling where my heart begins to swell and thump-thump-thump and my eyes fill to the brim.
and of course, marilyn was determined to bring that same feeling home with her. connections were made and dates were set. ‘the lower lights’ are coming here. and in the teeny tiny town of burbank you can join us in their magic. don’t miss this.
i’m bringing my little lucas. he’s going to love the instruments. and i’m bringing my sweet husband. so he can feel it, too.
my favorite? come, ye children of the lord. a little chuckle then 1..2..3..4.. followed by the quiet strumming of guitars and such. “oh what songs we then will sing…”
she’s giving away a few tickets here if you’ll help to spread the word. we’re running out of time to fill all of the seats. but really, you should just purchase up a couple of tickets here and join us. grab an extra for your neighbor, too. then let me know so that i can save you a seat. i’d love to meet you there.
love, lin
wednesday. twelve-thirty-seven-in-the-afternoon.
what you see
-a frizzy straight out of the shower mess
-eyebrows: need plucked
-no makeup and reeeeeeeally tired eyes
-going on day 1,763 of no-good sleep
-my attempt at giving gavin a haircut myself
what you don’t see
-charlie spit up on my jeans
-lucas went to preschool this morning still in half of his pajamas
-dirty dishes and laundry piles and well, really… a tornado hit this place
-mcdonald’s i had andrey bring home for lunch
-the crazy lady tears i cried when he went back to work
what i see
-red nails making me feel pretty
-concern and love for gavin
-a sliver of sunshine sneaking through my curtains
-my wedding ring
what i’m going to do
-gather up three boys and climb back in bed
and that’s ok.
andrey and i stayed up soooooooo late the night before gavin’s birthday. he listened to russian rock through his headphones while i hummed songs from gavi’s birth playlist. and we folded and folded and folded.
gavin’s favorite things right now: trucks and trains and planes.
we folded a gazillion paper airplanes. from the torn pages of a giant road atlas. then we quietly strung them from the ceiling with fishing wire while gavin slept.
boy woke up on his birthday morn in amazement. his wonder was pure and real. and we loved it. this day belonged to him and he knew it. his day also included a morning coffee run with dad, a trip to the party store to pick out map colored balloons (pale green, mellow yellow, bright red, peach and sea blue.) there was CARS movie watching as a family and even a good snuggle or two. lucas and i hid in the studio to wrap gifts while gavin tried to sneak peeks through the crack under the door. there was sitting on counters and chocolate-cream-cheese-frosting spatula licks. cousins over to party and surprise packages to open. it was such a happy day.
he blew out the candles and it all became official. boy turned two.
wonder what he wished for. i’m gonna ask him someday.