as soon as i got word that my aunt amy in wyoming was growing babe – i called dibs on planning her a baby shower. and as soon as i got word that her babe was a boy i got to work. i was so inspired by
this style board made by joni of
laybabylay and i still can’t get that lumberjack plaid out of my mind. (it may make another appearance in charlie’s new crib.) i headed right to the fabric store and picked out my favorite shirting plaids.

a piece of my favorite shirting was stitched to the top of each invite with contrasting mustard yellow thread. i loved how they turned out and i’ve tucked one away to save.
i’m not a huge fan of shower games but we did play one simple get-to-know-you game and the winner took home some of amy’s favorite things. i also had each guest fill out a little ‘wish card’ for amy to share with her boy someday.
(click on the image to download)
these little rosemary plants were potted in glass jars and wrapped with more of the plaid shirting and tied with twine. root beer bottles were the perfect makeshift vases for
dried billy buttons and were placed throughout the home.

the favors were my favorite part of the preparations. gavin helped me the night before the shower and it was the perfect project for us to do together. we followed
this tutorial. it was
so simple and they turned out perfectly! gavi may or may not have had a snitch of bird seed while we were at it, too. my dad suggested that we try the same idea with granola sometime. mmmmm!

each guest went home with their bird feeder tucked safely into one of these muslin bags. each was stamped with a tree full of mama birdies. so sweet!
but the best part? the best part was that little chase wesley made an unplanned early arrival.
two weeks early! and lucky for the us, the babe made a quick little appearance at the shower. i was sure to get in a good snuggle and some snapshots before heading back to washington.
i love that i got to celebrate amy. that the excuse to plan her shower meant keeping her in my constant thoughts. she was such an important part in both lucas’ and gavin’s birth stories. i loved being a part of her growing season – i am
so happy that i get to watch her mother again. so happy that she added this sweet bundle to our family.