Monday, January 9, 2012

add color.

my personal theme for twenty-twelve is to be more. 
be more of a mother. be more of a wife. be more of a friend. be more of lindsay.
it's an easy enough mantra. 
quick to come to mind when i feel more like sneaking off quietly.
and back into my shell. 
this is what being more looked like last week. 
it was colorful and so very sweet. 
he hummed while he painted. 
and my heart sang. 
be more.
be more.
be more.


  1. Such a beautiful, necessary thought. I needed this.

  2. What a fantastic theme! I might have to steal that one for myself.

  3. i need to be more too. thanks for the reminder!

  4. i get this. i needed this. thanks friend.

  5. This is how I always imagine your kitchen table looking. Happy boys, creating with their mama.

  6. I LOVE your theme.
    Miss you dearly.
    Why are we having such a hard time spending time together?

    We just need a really good, long girls night out. At least, that's what I need.

  7. how did you know this little message was just what i needed?

  8. Just found you....gorgeous blog. Love this.

  9. I love these photos! so much!
    Love your word too!
    mIne is story, as in I want to change my story, be more present in my story, in my life....lose this weight that I feel is holding me back!
    love your word though!

  10. But Lindsay, you are already enough. I can hardly imagine what "more" will be. Love.

  11. A lovely way to put it. I felt very similar about this year and picked the word 'expand'... horizons, relationship,s hopefully not waistline... :)
