Tuesday, August 9, 2011

to market, to market

salt lake city - farmer's market

we filled our basket with:
a bundle of crisp radishes
the prettiest gingerbread cookie
one cinnamon bun
the coolest 9th + 9th print
a batch of noodles for dinner
one fresh strawberry birthday pie

we filled our bellies with:
one rico's black bean + cheese burrito
a bottle of mexican coca-cola

we filled our charlie's belly with:
nibbles of his first tiger's blood sno-cone 

home-a-gain home-a-gain
jiggity - jig


  1. i love the ritual, especially when it includes tiger's blood.
    what have you done with the 9th and 9th print?

  2. You're making me itch to go to the farmer's market, but more than anything you're making me itch to smooch on your sweet Charlie's cheekys!
