Thursday, April 30, 2009

“it’s never too late to come on home” –michael franti

the spring sun had me feeling a bit rebellious last week. i cancelled all commitments, packed a quick suitcase, loaded my wee boys in the car and sang franti songs all the way to utah.

i’ve made several realizations about my life over the past few weeks. one very important one came to me while sitting at a table in the red room: i am going to say “yes” more. yes to things that i know i will love. yes to things that will make me happy. yes to things that remind me about who i really am. what kind of girl i really am. no more of this sitting back and watching these days go by wishing i was somewhere else. doing something else. being someone else. blah. blah. blah. {note to self: remember to elaborate more on this topic later}

so when my mom called on monday with a final reminder of the free franti concert… i said yes and we were in our car early the next morning. it was so worth it. a trip to home-sweet-home with no agenda. it was carefree. happy. yellow-guestroom-snuggly. without the list of to-do’s i somehow found time to visit all of the places i love. and the concert? true free-bird love. 
2009-04-30 frantiiiiday


  1. Hold to your children. Let 'em know.
    I'm happy to continue the adventure here in WA. I kinda wish we would have slept on the mountain. The pic of Uncle mike holding GW is a prize!

  2. nice work, lin.
    showin' up to things that make us happy - good resolution/revolution.

    is that mr franti holding your baby? show more, man.

    i wonder if i can get a picture like that with amy next weekend.

  3. mom. did you just say, "uncle mike?" ha. haa.

    amy. a picture with amy ray holding you. wouldn't hurt to ask! ha. you would win the ultimate prize. lot's more franti pictures where these came from. come on over!
    love, lin

  4. thanks thanks for coming last minute, wasnt is great to be here, and it was so nice? thanks for fabric shopping with me, i will send you measurements soon. thanks gavin for becoming my friend this trip. i can only see half of michaels face,,,please fix!!!!!!!! and come back soon. next time you're here i'll be in a new home.

  5. oh and thanks for a great noodles date

  6. Once again, YOU amaze me!

  7. We got love for you tonight.
    Grammy and Pres
