Monday, October 20, 2008

election '08

after an evening spent with dear friends and my sweet family i'm feeling aware, imformed and so empowered. i love it.
mark your calendars for november 4th because an election party will be had over here and you're all invited.
love, lindsay


  1. Thanks for the invite! I can't wait for the election to be over.

  2. Oh how exciting - it's thrilling, even from way over here.

    I know you're going to rap me over the knuckles - sorry for being so tardy in my response.

    Please don't feel as though you need to send me anything (save your pennies for your babes), although of course I love all of your goodness. I hope your shop is going great guns! xxx

  3. Information is power. So glad you're felling more comfortable about it all now.

  4. You're taking on the election party!

  5. As soon as I cast my vote here in Utah I'll be on the road to Studebaker Street! Look for Pretzel waving her flag! Can't wait.

  6. Good for you! I deserve to be informed too. I will have to tell the husband he can spill it. Usually I say no poli talk for awhile. But its getting close and is time. My mission to be informed and empowered. Thanks for the inspiration!

  7. Wish I could be there. What a crazy world. I will also be glad when the election is over.
