last week a pretty little envelope was tucked way in the back of my silver mailbox. inside was
this beautiful print from mrs. french of
bliss blog fame. she just happens to have opened her first
etsy shop - and it's dripping in beautiful photos.
****i'd been dreaming of the tiny moon print. perfect for above the new babe's sweet crib. and there it was. in my box. a surprise.

mrs. french has the most beautiful little spot of cyber-space. she's full to the brim with wonderful talents that i don't even know where to begin. i love flipping through her space and catching a glimpse of her mama-hood, her loves, and her lady-ness. her "i heart mondays" are filled with special treasures. simple things that she's taken the time and noticed their true beauty. she finds the good ones. i love reading stories of adventures spent out with the boys she so loves and scanning through the gorgeous photos of their travels. not to mention how much my heart smiles huge when i see a little note from her in
my comment log. she's a gem. a true gem.

awhile back i left a comment on her blog to enter the
pay-it-forward challenge. i'm a huge fan of real-mail-karma. real mail that sends your heart a flutter when an unexpected surprise from someone who was thinking of
you arrives. she picked me and thus the tiny moon print made it's arrival. now it's my turn and i can't wait to pass this one on.
::pay it forward exchange::i agree to: send something fun, cute and nice to 3 blog owners who post a comment on this entry. in turn, those three will post this information and pick 3 people they want to send something to and so on. if you are interested in participating, leave a comment! when i pick the three comments i will email a request for your shipping address and i will send out something that i hope will make your heart flutter, too.
if chosen you agree to: promise that you will then post about this on your blog, link to me, and then send something to three people who comment on your blog so that this continues.