our family has one less family member. our dear 'ol jetta girl was in an accident on wednesday night (andrey was driving and he is a-ok which makes mourning the loss of my girl allowable) and despite our insurance companies many attempts to resuscitate her... we had to let her go. i've been reassured that there is a car heaven and that she was greeted by many other family cars that have passed before her. i didn't get to say good-bye. in lieu of flowers...please send money. i'll set up a bank account. wait...bag that. just send cash. oh and amy...know anything about car funerals? do they do those on six feet under? i'm gonna call that old dad-dude on "family plots". andrey better start diggin'. my jetta was my first very-own. bought her all by myself. we've been on many a great long ride together. blasting so many great songs... we brought lucas home in the jetta. and i'd like to hope that maybe that will contribute to his greatness. (ie: my parents brought me home in a yellow vw bug...greatness.) andrey is already stoked on getting a replacement. it's still too early for me. *sigh* my heart is broke.
in all seriousness though. andrey is fine. when i drove over to pick him up - my heart skipping every other beat. my hands a bit shaky. then i saw him on the side of the road. his pile of fishing stuff and work jackets. talking with the police... there he was. i was so thankful. it's like they all say...it can happen so fast. lucas and i were so very grateful to have our daddy-boy, best friend forever, safe by our side that night. there really is no reason to waste any time being grouchy or short or forgetful of the ones we love. no time at all.

thanks for all the comments on the last post my blogging friends. you all came out in full force to support my journaling adventure. i love to know that you're out there. that you read me. and thanks for all the advice. especially you, tyson. we went out and got him his very own six pack of coke that night. you have such smart brains that maybe just maybe it was all the caffiene. we won't take any chances or waste anymore time. coca-cola bottles it is. and jeff-free. i love to hear/read your words. only you can feel andrey's sleep-deprived pain. cousin maren! i knew you were out there! amelia...i told you before that your post tugged at my heart. i love that you understand the emotion that is involved in all this.makes me feel a little less crazy-lady and a little more good-momma. my secret mimi (shall remain name-less) you already now. lucas thanks his lucky stars at every "milkies" that you learned me how to nurse in the first place. and how exciting to see a post from the allyson hill. she is a celebrity in my book. i think we've... well...i've decided that since things were just not feeling right and i was feeling so discouraged about this whole weaning thing... that we really just aren't ready yet. i'll take it slow. lucas jude...my little baby bird. i just love him. want to make a million more just like him.