Thursday, March 15, 2012

making: a dandee design

it's been a few months in the making.
we worked slow.
we designed while the kids ate peanut butter & jelly. 
i was a coding wizard into the wee hours while my babes slept. 
she had specific intructions for me:  
- make it sweet. and simple.
- only work when you're feeling inspired! 

and that's why we're friends.

late last night while the interwebs were sleeping
her new dandee design went live. 
i was nervous. and excited... and it's working! 
all that crazy coding and my amateur skills. 

and i'm so proud of her. 
and her cyber space. 


  1. Great job, Lindsay! The site looks beautiful. :)

  2. it is fantastic. your talent is without end girl.

  3. You did such an amazing job! I love the colors and the over all design!

  4. You are so talented, Lindsay! Great job!

  5. You did great Lindsay! You definitely nailed the simple and the pretty :) I'm loving your new site design as well, the triangles are perfect.

    Can I be next in line to get a Lindsay magic makeover!?

    Love, Randi

  6. I absolutely LOVE dandee's new design - it's my favorite. Wonderful work and a sweet lovely blog you have too! :)

  7. It looks wonderful. I am wishing I had your talent.

  8. i waaaant one! you are getting really good at this. i love!

  9. For some reason I didn't realize this was your work (I've been following both your and Danyelle's blogs for a few months now). Anyway I love her new look. Great job!

  10. Thanks for showing my ranoculus pictures! And you did a great job on her site! Love it!
