Sunday, March 20, 2011

making me happy:

play day 002 the addition of pink.
there is a struggle going on over here.
between these two.
wanting to be best friends.
wanting to be different.
nothing makes me happier these days than this:
when they decide that princesses and bad guys can play together.
play day 001


  1. How much fun are those two cute cousins? I love the addition of princesses and pink in your life right now.

    Even more than that, I loved seeing the happiness in your eyes yesterday when I asked how long she gets to stay with you, and with a grin, you answered with a slightly mischevious, "I don't know...." I LOVED it!

  2. I must apologize for the most horrific, never-ending, run-on sentence in the history of blog comments ;)

  3. missssing those two littles. and project craft is sold out? ahhhh. cool!

  4. Amy and Jeff all over again. I love the coexistence flavor of this post!
