i'm homesick. i was this close... this close to packing up our new wheels and my sleepy boy and driving through the night over the mountains. a*love had to talk me out of my irrational wild thoughts.
right now in my mama's house are bouquets of daisies, bright green balloons, beautifully wrapped baby goodies and one sleepy mama-to-be. in the morning will be trays of tasty sandwiches, a gigantic cake, and swarms of lovely ladies waiting to celebrate this upcoming mamahood of
hers.my heart aches to miss out on such an occasion. my baby sister. great with child.
i wish to go on an evening walk with her tonight and talk of birth and baby boys and bravery. i wish to give her a warm foot bath and pretty pink pedicure. i wish to wash her hair and braid it into two little girl braids. i wish to go through her piles of wee clothes and imagine what he'll look/smell/sound like. study baby name books and try and trick her into revealing her secret names. feel her belly and wait for boy to kick-kick-kick. i wish to give her a million lindsay & jade gifts of love. whatever she needs them to be.
does anyone know if she will still be my baby sister after this chapter of her adventure is over?
since the festivities are way over
there and i am
here my job was to put together a baby-shower-in-a-box. i had so much fun thinking up and planning these treasures.
{the invitations}

{the envelope seal}

{the see-d party favors}

{the "b is for baby" garland}

a celebration will be had in the morning and i am here but my heart is so there. love, lin